Salvia Divinorum
Salvia Divinorum
Live Plants and Other Ethnobotanicals

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Fresh Salvia Divinorum Leaves

Traditionally, salvia's effects were obtained via oral use. In particular, the oral effects are best achieved by chewing rolled up leaves, retaining the leaf mass in the mouth and not swallowing... In any case, fresh leaves will essentially last indefinitely given the proper environment, and in fact they will eventually grow roots, and with some luck, they will sprout an entirely new plant.


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Live Salvia Divinorum Plant

Salvia's plant form can take on a shape that's strangely reminiscent to its psychoactive effects. Not only does the plant make for elite decoration but few things are more satisfying than growing and creating your own consumables.


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Salvia Divinorum Rooted Leaf

Pot one of these in some soil, with some luck and patience, you will eventually get a new Salvia divinorum sprout. Cheaper alternative to purchasing a plant but success is not guarenteed.


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Live Heimia Salicifolia Plant

Also known as sinicuichi or the sun opener. Makes for a tasty relaxing tea. At large doses, produces extremely unique auditory hallucinations. Bursting with flowers when mature.


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